Accepted Publications

      1. Yasra Chandio, Victoria Interrante, and Fatima M. Anwar
        - Reaction Time As A Proxy For Presence In Mixed Reality With Distraction,
        IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
        [Honorable Mention Best Paper Award, Top 3% paper; due to substantial contribution also selected to appear in IEEE TVCG].

      2. Yasra Chandio, Victoria Interrante, and Fatima M. Anwar
        - Tap Into Reality: Understanding The Impact Of Interactions On Presence And Reaction Time In Mixed Reality,
        IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
        Due to substantial contribution, selected to appear in IEEE TVCG.

      3. Yasra Chandio, Momin Ahmed Khan, Khotso Selialia, Luis Antonio Garcia, Joseph DeGol, and Fatima M. Anwar
        - A Neurosymbolic Approach To Adaptive Feature Extraction In SLAM,
        IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

      4. Yasra Chandio, Victoria Interrante, and Fatima M. Anwar
        - Human Factors At Play: Understanding The Impact Of Conditioning On Presence And Reaction Time In Mixed Reality,
        IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
        Due to substantial contribution, selected to appear in IEEE TVCG, as one of top 12% papers.

      5. Yasra Chandio, Noman Bashir, and Fatima M. Anwar
        - Stealthy And Practical Multi-modal Attacks On Mixed Reality Tracking,
        IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & extended and Virtual Reality
        Best Paper Finalist.

      6. Momin Ahmed Khan, Yasra Chandio, and Fatima Anwar
        - HYDRA-FL: Hybrid Knowledge Distillation For Robust And Accurate Federated Learning,
        Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

      7. Khotso Selialia, Yasra Chandio, and Fatima Anwar
        - Mitigating Feature Heterogeneity Biases In Federated Learning,
        ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency

      8. Yasra Chandio, Noman Bashir, Tian Guo, Elsa Olivetti, and Fatima M. Anwar
        - Scoping The Decarbonization Of Collaborative Mixed Reality,
        IEEE International Symposium on Emerging Metaverse

      9. Yasra Chandio, Victoria Interrante, and Fatima M. Anwar
        - Balancing Presence And Safety Using Reaction Time In Mixed Reality,
        Workshop at IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality

      10. Yasra Chandio, Noman Bashir, Victoria Interrante, and Fatima M. Anwar
        - Investigating The Correlation Between Presence And Reaction Time In Mixed Reality,
        IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

      11. Noman Bashir, Yasra Chandio, David Irwin, Fatima Anwar, Jeremy Gummeson, and Prashant Shenoy
        - Jointly Managing Electrical And Thermal Energy In Solar- And Battery-Powered Computer Systems,
        ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems

      12. Yasra Chandio, Noman Bashir, and Fatima M. Anwar
        - Dataset: HoloSet - A Dataset For Visual Inertial Pose Tracking In Extended Reality,
        5th International SenSys/BuildSys Workshop on Data

      13. Yasra Chandio
        - Towards Secure And Immersive Mixed Reality: PhD Forum Abstract,
        20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
        (PhD Forum SenSys),
        Best Presentation Award.

      14. Khotso Selialia, Yasra Chandio, and Fatima M. Anwar
        - Federated Learning Biases In Heterogeneous Edge-Devices - A Case-Study,
        4th International SenSys/BuildSys Workshop on Challenges in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Internet of Things

        1. Yasra Chandio, and Fatima M. Anwar
          - Poster: Spatiotemporal Security In Mixed Reality systems,
          18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems

        2. Yasra Chandio, Aditya Mishra, and Anand Seetharam
          - GridPeaks: Employing Distributed Energy Storage For Grid peak Reduction,
          IEEE International Green and Sustainable Computing conference

        3. Yasra Chandio, Jo A Bitsch, Affan A. Syed, and Muhammad Hamad Alizai
          - Networking Wireless Energy In Embedded Networks,
          ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

        4. Samar Abbas, Abu Bakar, Yasra Chandio, Khadija Hafeez, Ayesha Ali, Tariq M Jadoon, and Muhammad Hamad Alizai
          - Inverted HVAC: Greenifying Older Buildings, One Room At A Time,
          ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

        5. Khadija Hafeez, Yasra Chandio, Abu Bakar, Ayesha Ali, Affan A. Syed, Tariq M. Jadoon, and Muhammad Hamad Alizai
          - Inverting HVAC For Energy Efficient Thermal Comfort In Populous Emerging Countries,
          ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments
          Audience Choice Award Winner.

        6. M. Hamad Alizai, Qasim Raza, Yasra Chandio, Affan A. Syed, and Tariq M. Jadoon
          - Simulating Intermittently Powered Embedded Networks,
          13th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks

          Under-Review Publications

              1. Yasra Chandio, Khotso Selialia, Luis Antonio Garcia, Joseph DeGol, and Fatima M. Anwar
                - Lost In Tracking Translation: A Comprehensive Analysis Of Visual SLAM in Human-Centered XR And IoT Ecosystems,

              2. Diana Romero*, Yasra Chandio*, Fatima Anwar, and Salma Elmalaki
                - GroupBeaMR: Analyzing Collaborative Group Behavior in Mixed Reality Through Passive Sensing and Sociometry,
                ([* co-primary]),

              3. Khotso Selialia, Yasra Chandio, Jimi Oke, and Fatima Anwar
                - LipFed: Mitigating Subgroup Bias In Federated Learning With Lipschitz Constraints,

              4. Khotso Selialia, Yasra Chandio, Jimi Oke, and Fatima Anwar
                - ADAPT-FED: Adaptive Federated Optimization with Learning Stability,

              5. Momin Ahmad Khan, Virat Shejwalkar, Yasra Chandio, Amir Houmansadr, and Fatima M. Anwar
                - Decoding FL Defenses: Systemization, Pitfalls, and Remedies,

              6. Yasra Chandio, Luis Antonio Garcia, Joseph DeGol, and Fatima M. Anwar
                - ContinuumTrack: Adaptive Real-Time Profiling And Correction in Dynamic SLAM Systems,

              7. Abdullah Al Ishtiaq, Raja Hasnain Anwar, Yasra Chandio, Fatima M. Anwar, Syed Rafiul Hussain, and Muhammad Taqi Raza
                - Cloud Nine Connectivity: Evading In-Flight Paywalls For Free Internet,
                (Under Review),

              8. Yasra Chandio, Victoria Interrante, and Fatima M. Anwar
                - Poster: Towards Objective And Implicit Presence Measures In Mixed Reality,
                (Under Review),

              9. John Murray, Yasra Chandio, Fatima Anwar, and Michael Zink
                - Exploring Relationship Between Quality Of Experience And Quality Of Service In Collaborative Mixed Reality,