Service to the Profession

  • Reviewer at IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation(IEEE ICRA 2024).

  • Reviewer at International Conference on Learning Representations(ICLR 2024).

  • Technical Program Committee member atDATA@Buildsys’24.

  • Technical Program Committee member atACM S3@Mobicom’24.

  • Student Volunteer at ACM SenSys’22.

  • Shadow PC member at ACM SenSys’22.

  • Shadow PC member at ACM EuroSys’22.

  • Review committee member at Extended Reality track at Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC’22).

  • Review committee member at VR/AR/MR track at Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC’21).

Service to the Community

  • Chair College of Engineering Dean’s Graduate Advisory Group (2024-2025)
    • Students from the entire college are selected to be part of the group, then the group votes to elect the Chair.
  • Organizer UMASS ECE Women Dinner Series (2024-2025) [Link]
    • Community building through a series of dinners with workshops and panels.
    • Raised $2500 with a competitive UMASS Campus Climate Grant.
  • Panelist, Graduate Women In STEM (GWIS) Undergraduate Panel (2024).
    • A panel discussion connecting UMASS graduate and undergraduate students to discuss careers in STEM.
  • Graduate Student Member of ECE DEI Committee (2023-2025)
    • Hosted Grad Tea hours, organized panels, and supported undergraduate peer mentor program.
  • Editor CRA-Undergraduate Research Highlights (2022-2024) [Link]
    • Series features outstanding undergraduate research across North America, offering insights into research experiences, mentorship, career advice, and promoting graduate education.
  • Founding Chair, ECE Grad Gender Diversity group (2022-2025)

  • Organizer, ECE grad women retreats (2023-2025)
    • Raised $1700 funds
  • Organizer and Panelist, ECE Graduate Orientation, (2023-2025)

  • Panel Moderator, UMASS Women in Engineering Day, 2023.
    • A panel discussion connecting industry professionals with high school students to discuss careers in engineering.
  • Volunteer, Amherst Survival Center (2020).

  • Volunteer, Binghamton University Commencement (2019).